Thursday, April 17
6:00 - 6:15 Welcome
6:15 - 6:30 Opening Remarks
Sarah Thomas, Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies, Department Chair
Erica Durante and Andrés Emil González, Conference Co-organizers
6:30 - 7:15 Opening Event
Public Interview with Michelle Garza Cervera, Writer and Filmmaker
Environments and Screens: Watching and Making Genre Cinema in Mexico
Moderated by Adam Lowenstein & Andrés Emil González
7:15 - 8:15 Reception
Friday, April 18
8.30 - 9.30 Breakfast
9.30 - 10:15 Session 1
Nicolás Campisi, Assistant Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, Georgetown University
Geological Horror: How to Listen to a Rock (Concert)
Discussant: Erica Durante
10:15 - 11:00 Session 2 (in Spanish)
Teresa López Pellisa, Professor of Latin American Literature, Director of the Laboratory for Future Studies, Subdirector of the University Research Institute for Latin American Studies, Universidad de Alcalá
Clonopolítica y monstruosidades hegemónicas en la ciencia ficción hispánica
Discussant: Aníbal González Pérez
11:00 - 11:45 Session 3
Aníbal González Pérez, Professor of Modern Latin American Literature, Yale University
Dreams of Reason: Horror and Revulsion in Latin American Science Fiction
Discussant: Edmundo Paz Soldán
11:45 - 12:30 Session 4 (in Spanish)
David Roas, Professor of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, Director of the Research Group on the Fantastic, Editor-in-Chief of Brumal: Research Journal on the Fantastic, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona & Universidad de Alcalá
La maternidad monstruosa en las narradoras fantásticas actuales en español
Discussant: Patricia Saldarriaga
12:30 - 2:00 Lunch
2:00 - 2:45 Session 5 (in Spanish)
Patricia Saldarriaga, Professor of Luso-Hispanic Studies, Middlebury College
Phenomenology and Violence in Latin American Horror Cinema
Discussant: David Roas
2:45 - 3:30 Session 6
Adam Lowenstein, Professor of English and Film Studies and Director of Horror Studies Working Group, University of Pittsburgh
The Future of Body Horror is Feminine: Reflections on Huesera: The Bone Woman
Discussant: Rune Graulund
3:30 - 3:45 Coffee Break
3:45 - 4:45 Session 7 Graduate Panel
- Helen Flor Garnica Brocos, Ph.D. Student, Department of Romance Languages & Literatures, Harvard University
La pasión necrótica: cadáveres resurrectos y amores malsanos en el relato de entresiglos peruano
- Sofía Masdeu, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Yale University
Haunting the Primal Scene: Rewriting National History through Horror in Martín Bentancor’s La lluvia sobre el muladar (2017)
- Jorge Antonio Sánchez Rivera, Department of Romance Studies, Boston University
Old Habits, New Horrors: Luciferian Figures in Contemporary Latin American Horror Literature from the Southern Cone
Discussant: Andrés Emil González
4:45 - 5:45 Session 8 (in Spanish)
Liliana Colanzi, Assistant Professor of Romance Studies, Writer and Publisher
Regiones inquietantes: Un viaje por el horror latinoamericano
Discussant: Michelle Garza Cervera
*** End of sessions ***
Saturday, April 19
8:30 - 9:00 Breakfast
9:00 - 9:45 Session 9
Edmundo Paz Soldán, Distinguished Professor of Arts and Sciences in Latin American Literature, Cornell University
Our Evolving Relationship with the Planet in Latin American Writing Today
Discussant: Sebastián Antezana Quiroga
9:45 -10:30 Session 10
Rune Graulund, Associate Professor of American Literature and Culture, Institute of Literature, Media & Cultural Studies, University of Southern Denmark
Planetary Grotesque: Eating the Rich (and the Poor) During the Planetary Emergency
Discussant: Adam Lowenstein
10:30 - 11:15 Session 11
Andrés Emil González, Graduate Student in Comparative Literature, Brown University
Narrative Devices and Devices in Horror Narrative
Discussant: Nicolás Campisi
11:15 - 12:00 Session 12
Sebastián Antezana Quiroga, International Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Hispanic Studies, Brown University
Miles de ojos: horror y exceso en la literatura boliviana contemporánea
Discussant: Liliana Colanzi
12:00 - 12:45 Session 13
Erica Durante, Associate Professor of Hispanic Studies, Brown University
Skin Wide Open: Body Modification and Surgical Horror in Mariana Enriquez’s Fiction
Discussant: Patricia Saldarriaga
12:45-1:00 pm: Closing Remarks
1:00 pm Lunch and Departure