Lina Meruane
Meruane’s fiction includes the short story collection Las Infantas (The Princesses), as well as five novels–Póstuma (Posthumous), Cercada (Corral), Fruta podrida (Rotten Fruit), Sangre en el ojo (Seeing Red, USA, Deep Vellum, 2016) and Sistema nervioso (Nervous System, USA, Graywolf, 2021)–translated into twelve languages. Meruane’s nonfiction books include the essays Viajes virales (Viral Travel) and Zona ciega (Blind Spot), the personal essay Palestina en pedazos (Palestine in Pieces), an expanded version of her earlier essay, Volverse Palestina (Becoming Palestine), the lyrical essay Palestina por ejemplo (Palestine for Example), and the diatribe Contra los hijos (Against the Kids), meanwhile, is a collection of Meruane’s shortest essays. Meruane has ventured into playwriting with a theatrical adaptation, "Un lugar donde caerse muerta" (“A place to drop dead”), and one dramatic work: "Esa cosa animal" (“That animal thing”). She has received the Blue Metropolis Prize (Canada 2023), the Cálamo Award (Spain 2016), the Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Award (Mexico 2012), and the Anna Seghers Prize (Berlin 2011), as well as writing grants from the Guggenheim Foundation (USA 2004), the NEA (USA 2010), the DAAD (Germany 2017) and la Casa Cien Años de Soledad (Mexico 2021), among others. She teaches creative writing at New York University (USA).
(Photo: Isabel Wagemann)