Valeria Correa Fiz
Valeria Correa Fiz is a Spanish-Argentine writer based in Madrid. She is the author of two short story books: La condición animal, which was a finalist for the IV Gabriel García Márquez Hispanic-American Short Story Prize as well as the 2017 Setenil Prize, and Había un jardín, both published by Páginas de Espuma.
Her poetic work is made up of the following books: El álbum oscuro, Invierno a destiempo, Museo de pérdidas y Así el deseo. Her poetry has been awarded the Manuel del Cabral 1st International Prize in Poetry, the Claudio Rodríguez 6th International Prize in Poetry, and the Clara de Campoamor 3d Prize in Poetry.
Her stories and poems have been translated into English, Italian, Hebrew, German and Romanian.
For more than 10 years, she has coordinated the Reading Club of the Cervantes Institute of Milan. She also teaches creative writing workshops in Madrid and Milan.
(Photo: Isabel Wagemann)