Hispanic Studies
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Insurrectas Exhibición Digital 2022

Artistic Digital Exhibition Insurrectas

The Department of Hispanic Studies is pleased to present “Insurrectas,” an exhibition that collects the artistic outcome of the seminar “Insurrectas: Latinx and Latin American Women Writers and Artists” (Spring 2022). Participants: Michelle Alas Molina, Lena Cohen, Zina Dolan, Brianna Bridges, Sarah Packer, Tierra Peguero, Jenna Cooley, and Astrid McMahon.
The Department of Hispanic Studies is thrilled to announce that on July 14th Brown was named the inaugural University of the Year by the Spanish cultural project Archiletras for our department's "excelencia y su enfoque transatlántico e interdisciplinario de las literaturas y culturas de España y América Latina. Congratulations to our amazing faculty, students, and staff.
The Department of Hispanic Studies congratulates Flor Chiaramonte for successfully defending her dissertation, "Presencias en el desierto, ausencias en la nación: la representación del indígena de frontera en la Argentina del siglo XIX", on July 14th, 2022.
The Department of Hispanic Studies congratulates Tess Renker, who successfully defended her dissertation, "Conflictive Voices: Authorship, Authority, and Peru's Internal Armed Conflict", on June 7th, 2022.
The Department of Hispanic Studies congratulates Mai Hunt, who successfully defended her dissertation, "Codes of Silences: Contemporary Family Narratives of the Colombian Armed Conflict", on April 22, 2022.
Galería 600: Exhibición digital

Exhibition: Creando un artefacto

The Department of Hispanic Studies is pleased to present “Creando un artefacto,” an artistic collective exhibition by Brown University Advanced Spanish Students (Fall 2021).
The Hispanic Studies Department at Brown University is delighted to announce that the pieces Sobre/vivir poemas desde el no querer (poetry) by Micaela Camacho-Tenreiro and La Malinche (short story) by Benjamin Nelson are the winners of the 2021 Borderlands Literary Prize on Latin American & Latinx Diversity. ¡Felicitaciones!*
Watson Institute

Congratulations to Nicolás Campisi

We are delighted to share the news that Nicolás Campisi is one of this year's CLACS Dissertation Prize Winners. ¡Felicitaciones Nicolás!

Call for Artwork

An image is worth 1000 words and we want to see what you have to say! The Department of Hispanic Studies invites Brown and RISD undergraduate and graduate students to design a profile picture/avatar for our social media accounts on FB and IG.
Visiting assistant professor Iris Montero has just been awarded honorable mention, from the Latin American Studies Association Colonial Section, for the "2021 Best Article in Colonial Latin American Studies by a Junior Scholar" for her article "The Disguise of the Hummingbird: On the Natural History of Huitzilopochtli in the Florentine Codex," Ethnohistory 67.3 (2020).
National Endowment for the Humanities

Congratulations to Laura Bass

Prof. Laura Bass and her colleague Tanya Tiffany (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) have been awarded an NEH Scholarly Translation Grant for their project, "The Autobiography of a Seventeenth-Century Painter and Nun, Estefanía de la Encarnación". ¡Enhorabuena Laura y Tanya!
The Providence Refugee Dream Center is a post resettlement refugee agency that greatly contributes to the enhancement of the cultural and community development in Rhode Island. During these unprecedented times when everyone is separated by the global pandemic, HS concentrators and DUG leaders, Ahjeetha Shankar and Samuel Orenstein, organized a global social media fundraiser to help this Center. They partnered up with a corporate organization that would match their fundraised amount by 200%. Consequently, they fundraised a grand total of $1,365 (surpassing the initial goal of $500.00)! Congratulations to Sam and Ahjeetha for such a fantastic initiative!
Brown Graduate School

Congratulations to Michelle Clayton

Prof. Michelle Clayton was selected for 2020 for the Graduate School Faculty Awards for Advising and Mentoring. ¡Felicitaciones Michelle!
Alastor Editores

Congratulations to Ethel Barja

The Department of Hispanic Studies congratulates Ethel Barja on the launch of her new book Travesía invertebrada. Read more about her book, the book launch and a selection of her poems.
The Department of Hispanic Studies is delighted to announce that Luis Miguel Estrada Orozco has just been admitted into Mexico's Sistema Nacional de Creadores de Arte (SNCA).